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Design website, publicity material, book, exhibition, award ceremony
Archiprix International edition Santiago Chile 
An independent jury rewards the very best submissions with the Hunter Douglas Awards. The aim of the awards is to stimulate the introduction of starting, talented designers into the world of professional practice.
Archiprix International forms an expanding international platform for training colleges and newly graduated, talented designers. It spotlights international trends in architecture, urban design and landscape architecture and brings designers together.
On the map you see an overview of existing and new national Archiprixes and an overview of Archiprix International editions. The global Archiprix International and the fast growing number of local Archiprix initiatives form a stimulating combination! Each edition of the Archiprix International is organized in cooperation with a partner abroad.
The documentary films give an impression about the activities of Archiprix international with reports of the workshops, the award ceremonies and the experiences of the participants. Next to the documentaries you can see the Favourite Architects of the participants of Archiprix International. For the filmed interviews with participants in which they explain their awarded or nominated graduation project > see interviews.
Archiprix International is proud to announce the start of her ninth edition. After successful editions in 2001 in Rotterdam, 2003 in Istanbul, 2005 in Glasgow, 2007 in Shanghai, 2009 in Montevideo, 2011 in Cambrigde (USA), 2013 in Moscow and 2015 in Madrid, Archiprix International will again stage a unique presentation of the world's best graduation projects in architecture, urban design and landscape architecture. The Archiprix International 2017 will take place in Ahmedabad India. We are honoured that the CEPT university is our co-organisers for the 2017 edition.

Archiprix International book, edition Santiago Chile 2019 / 30 x 24 cm / 176 pages softcover / Nai010 Publishers / ISBN 978-94-6208-484-1
This edition of Archiprix International presents a breathtaking selection of 321 projects designed by the best graduates from all over the world, some 70 of which are documented in this book. It is fascinating to see the quality of the best graduation work from the past two years. The projects span a broad spectrum, ranging from large-scale landscape interventions to experiments in residential floor plans, and from imaginary projects that explore the fringes of the discipline to hyper-concrete schemes that could be built straight away, and in some cases are already built. In terms of the type of assignment, the palette is also wide-ranging. It includes a strikingly large number of data centres as well as memorial complexes and spatial visions on politics, sustainability and climate. They leave the reader in no doubt that a new generation of designers is ready and prepared to tackle all manner of contemporary assignments.
A total of 933 of the 1774 schools around the world selected their best graduation projects for inclusion in one or more of the past 10 editions of Archiprix. Over that period, we received 2544 projects. That means that more than half of all schools took part, and they submitted an average of 2.73 projects. The inserts in this book provide insight into the reach of Archiprix International, including the level of participation across continents.
It is important to remember that a graduation project usually takes a year to complete, and that makes its designer a specialist on the subject of his or her graduation. Archiprix wants to provide the best possible platform for both the graduation projects and their designers. This book is part of that effort, and an element in a wider presentation strategy. We also make films and compile exhibitions, and our tools naturally include social media and digital platforms like the architecture portal ArchDaily, not to mention our own website. While the book sheds light on the current state of play in architecture education around the world, the website presents all entries to all editions. A search interface offers access to this huge archive of projects that can be consulted according to discipline, design subjects and geographical location. This database enables clients, policy-makers, students, curators and other interested parties to find projects about particular subjects or on particular sites of interest. We then advise them to contact and enlist the services of the designer in question.
It’s a tried and trusted method: using some form of competition as a way of achieving the best quality. The best quality for the best price. We call that the ‘market’. Schools try to create similar incentives. Prizes for essays or annual exhibitions of graduation work that are assessed by juries. The goal is to raise standards at the school as well as the profile of the best participants. In any case, the method leads to mentions on CVs and enables some new graduates to stand out in a crowded marketplace of newcomers. That’s precisely one of the objectives of Archiprix: to provide a podium for budding talent. And because this goal is as obvious as it is appealing, the Dutch formula has been copied in other countries, especially since the launch of Archiprix International. Turkey, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Chile, Central Europe, Germany, the Balkans, Russia, India and Indonesia now all have their own national or supranational version of Archiprix. Even so, the question is whether these countries, these schools, these cultures, ‘all share the same views’.
South America submitted 486 projects during the Archiprix editions from 2001-2019 / from 159 out of 242 universities / resulting in 19 nominees + 25 favourites + 9 winners. Edition chile 2019: 67 submitted projects / 2 nominees + 3 favourites + 1 winners / 4 crossing border projects
Guides within the Fog, Re-interpretive field for fog water collection systems, designed by Juan Melys Moris / Project location: chile, Los vilos / Universidad Mayor, Arquitectura Arte y Diseno / South America - Chile - Santiago: The project intends to solve the issue of a lack of architecture and landscape in the fog water collection systems (SCAN) facilities in Chile, where the elements called ‘atrapanieblas’ [fog-catchers] fail to properly integrate to the functional, social and cultural dynamics of the place.
Synthetic Cultures, Scenes from the Post-Anthropocene, designed by Gary Polk. Project location: United States / University of Pennsylvania, Faculty of Architecture - tutor: Simon Kim / North America - United States - Philadelphia: Through what narratives and design strate­gies can humans co-exist with a culture of autonomous architecture — irreducible to people or to machines, but one that serves itself while interfacing with humans and the environment to create mutually benefitting hybrid realms?

Arena of Ludic Protocols, Collected and arranged with Naive Intention, designed by Jong Nyoung Park, Jordan D Widjaj / Project location: United States, Chicago. IL / Illinois Institute of Technology, School of Architecture and Planning, tutors: Mauricio Pezo, Sofia von Ellrichshausen / North America - United States - Chicago: Despite the uncanny metaphor, and maybe closer to the eroded condition of a ruin, a fitness hall can still be understood as a naked architecture for almost naked people enjoying or suffering their own bodies: as a voluntary seclusion into the rules of their games. Perhaps as the natural consequence of the metabolist creed, in its high-tech eclectic ‘symbiosis’, the explicitly ‘weak’ nudity of Kurokawa's fitness centre in Chicago could be reinvented.
Europe had 1015 submitted projects 2001-2019 from 322 out of 517 universities / 72 nominees + 94 favourites + 40 winners. Edition chile 2019: 115 submitted projects / 10 nominees + 13 favourites + 3 winners, 36 crossing border projects
Gasthaus am Fluss, A rural inn by the river as a narrative space, designed by Matthias Pabst / Project location: Germany, Regensburg / OTH Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Regensburg, Fachbereich Architektur / Europe - Germany - Regensburg: The classical architectural language of an inn is abstracted in the design and taken up in various places in an idealized way. This is done with the help of basic volumes, which are arranged mentally on the base and thus form a space as a positive. Then the negative is filled with mass in order to turn this mental form skeleton into real space.

Surgical Acupunctures, A Case Study in Sao Paulo designed by Helena Rong / Project location: Brazil, Sao Paulo / Cornell University, College of Architecture, Art, and Planning, Department of Architecture / North America - United States - Ithaca: This project expresses critical reflections regarding preservation, reuse and restoration involving the transformation of architectural and urban sites in São Paulo’s historical downtown, and proposes a new city manifesto that employs adaptive reuse as an opportunity to initiate a bottom-up, participatory development of the urban context.
Kajskjul 113, A House  of Art for the Regeneration of Göteborg’s Frihamnen designed by Marco Pallaoro, Nicholas Dellai / Project location: Sweden, Göteborg / Università degli Studi di Ferrara, Dipartimento di Architettura / Europe - Italy - Ferrara: Frihamnen is located on the western shore, now a run-down area, separated from the city centre by the river. As part of the Alvstaden plan, the largest urban development in Scandinavia, Frihamnen will become the new city heart, the connection spot between the two shores. The main issue was the adaptability of space, making the building a dynamic experience in continuous evolution, ultimately responding to changing needs, users, inputs and events.
www.archiprix.org showing project presentations of the world’s best graduation plans of all editions held until the present day, workshop presentations of all editions and a database with all universities teaching architecture, urbanism and landscape architecture worldwide. Edited by: Henk van der Veen / Text editing: Billy Nolan / Jury report: Marina van den Bergen / Photos: Henk van der Veen / Design: Yvo Zijlstra, Antenna-Men, Rotterdam. Spanish edition in cooperation with Ediciones ARQ / Spanish translation by Ediciones ARQ and André Koster

Archiprix International Ahmedabad India 2017 edition - Video documentary  - A Moois production directed by Christiaan van Schermbeek
Archiprix International Rotterdam 2001, Istanbul 2003, Glasgow 2005, Shanghai 2007, Montevideo 2009, MIT Cambridge USA 2011,
Moscow 2013, Madrid 2015, Ahmedabad India 2017, Santiago Chile 2019, Addis Abeba 2021

Archiprix: Henk van der Veen - Graphic design, design award objects, webdesign, bookdesign e.o. Yvo Zijlstra (Antenna-men) - Software development website, projects database, CMS: Marcel; van der Zwet (Antenna-men) - Exhibition design: Max Rink
